Kalyana Mitra - The friends who know the gift that you are

Immerse yourselves and your hearts in Kalyana (Celebratory/Auspicious)- Mitra (Friendship). Journeying through a series of shared circumstances we celebrate the honesty and alive-ness of friendship. Weaving dance, music, and installation, we explore trust, vulnerability, undisguised affection, and deep abiding respect. 

Artistic Direction and Concept - SubashinI Ganesan-Forbes

Dancers and Collaborative Choreographers - Subashini Ganesan-Forbes, Jordan Isadore, and Angela Mazziotta


DATES OF PERFORMANCE - Friday April 25th, Saturday April 27th, and Sunday April 28th.

TIMES OF PERFORMANCE - 7:30pm, Nightly.

LOCATION - New Expressive Works, 810 SE Belmont, Ste 2, PDX 97214. [In the WYSE Buliding. Use building doors located on the South side of the building.]

Photo Credit - Adolfo Cantú-Villarreal

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