Enter the whimsical world of Dr. Seuss, where his genius leaps from the page into a visually spectacular reality. Set in the fanciful Jungle of Nool, you'll embark on a musical adventure alongside the steadfast Horton the Elephant and an eccentric ensemble plucked from the iconic author and illustrator's beloved tales. Let the infectious “Oh, The Thinks You Can Think!” and other melodies sweep you through surreal dreamscapes where the unimagined come to life. Narrated by the mischievous and charismatic Cat in the Hat himself, this Seussatrical celebration imparts wonderful lessons for all ages, young and sage, encouraging them to believe in themselves, allow their imagination to run wild and free, remain steadfastly true to their word, and celebrate the special qualities that make each individual unique.

Buy tickets

TICKETS for SOMETHING ROTTEN range from $30 - $50 

Please select your dates and seats carefullly, there are no refunds once tickets hae been purchased.   Exchanges are at the discretion of the Box Office.  

A $2.50 processing fee is added to each ticket purchased. 

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