Calendar of Coming Events

Summer Shorts Submissions 2025

It's that time again!  Our traditional presentation of ORIGINAL ONE-ACT PLAYS will be announced later.  But first...we need scripts!  Playwrights anywhere and everywhere are invited to submit their original works for consideration.

We will begin accepting submissions January 20. We will accept them through March 3.  Six to eight plays will be selected for presentation.

And now...THE RULES! 

• 20 pages maximum;

Maximum of 5 characters     

• 10-12 minute duration                                           

• Submit in standard play script format

• $20 per script submission fee (2 script max)             Submissions accepted January 20 - March 3

• Do not include your name on the manuscript. Please use a separate cover sheet for name/contact information.  (This is so all scripts can be evaluated anonymously.)


• Payment is submitted via BUY TICKETS on this page.
• $1,000 Award for Best Play chosen by our readers
• $500 Award for Audience Favorite


*For issues or more details phone 270-683-5333 (USA) or email

To submit your original work, email in PDF FORM to  Please write SUMMER SHORTS SCRIPTS on the subject line of the email.  Then return to this page and click on BUY TICKETS to pay the submission fee.  You may also call the Box Office at (270) 683-5333.  We will accept payment over the phone.

Call (270) 683-5333 for any questions. Office hours are Mon-Fri, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm CST.

Thank you for your interest in this exciting theatre project!

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Loose Knit

Once a week in the heart of New York City, five women gather to knit.  As the sweaters pile up, their lives fall apart.  Liz is having an affair with her sister's husband.  Gina's lost her job.  Paula is having an identity crisis, and Margie just wants a date!

In this comedy by Theresa Rebeck, a series of blind dates leads to a clever and insightful battle of the sexes, as well as an exceptionally funny piece of theater!  

And what better time to premiere a romantic comedy than VALENTINE'S DAY?  Friday, February 14 at 7:30, LOOSE KNIT will open at TRINITY CENTRE.  Subsequent performances are Feb. 15 at 7:30, Sunday the 16th at 2:00 pm, and the following weekend: Feb. 21 and 22 at 7:30, Sunday the 23rd at 2:00.

TRINITY CENTRE is located at 407 W. Fifth St.  Tickets are on sale at (270) 683-5333, and on this page.  Click on BUY TICKETS.


*LOOSE KNIT contains adult themes and strong language.*

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The Suessification of Romeo and Juliet

In this exceptionally clever YOUTH PRODUCTION, Shakespeare's famous love story becomes "Suessified" as it gets more and more like a Dr. Suess story!  Young players of various ages perform the imaginative work at TRINITY CENTRE March 14-16.

Parents and kids alike will love this twist on the classic romance, as well as the references to the famed children's stories.  The play will be Friday, March 14 at 7:00 pm, Saturday the 15th at 7:00, with a Sunday matinee at 2:00 March 16.

For tickets, call (270) 683-5333 or click on the BUY TICKETS icon on this page.  Tickets are $20.00.

TRINITY CENTRE is located at 407 W. Fiffth St.  The play is sponsored by DAVIESS COUNTY TEACHERS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION

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Boeing Boeing

The French farce, adapted by playwright Beverley Cross, centres on bachelor Bernard, who is simultaneously engaged to three airline stewardesses.  Complications such as weather, an unexpected visitor, and a faster Boeing jet disrupt his lifestyle.  Soon ALL THREE FIANCES are in town at the same time!

BOEING BOEING opens Friday, April 11th at THE EMPRESS THEATER.  The comedy continues April 12 and 13, and again the next weekend; April 18, 19, and 20.  Showtimes are 7:30 Fridays and Saturdays, with 2:00 matinees on Sundays the 13th and 20th.

Tickets are on sale at (270) 683-5333, and on this page (click on BUY TICKETS).  All tickets are $20.00

BOEING BOEING is directed by Jeremy Brailsford and Jason McGuffin.  The show is sponsored by MR. and MRS. HARVEY.  

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Regional actor Kelley Elder has performed his one-man rendering of the works of The Great American Author for 52 years; around 500 performances!  With selections from Twain's novels, short stories, and humorous essays, Kelley Elder presents the wit and the humanity the author is known for.

MARK TWAIN HERE! will play at TWO's TRINITY CENTRE May 2, 3, and 4.  Friday and Saturday night's shows will be at 7:30.  Sunday, May 4 is at 2:00 pm.  TRINITY CENTRE is located at 407 W. Fifth St. 

Tickets are $20.00.  Tickets may be purchased on this page.  Click on BUY TICKETS.  Or call the Box Office at (270) 683-5333.  

MARK TWAIN HERE! is a fundraiser for TWO.  Join the fun, and support the arts in our community!

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Ticket Information

Tickets can be purchased online using

or Discover

Please Note: There are no refunds on ticket purchases.

All Mainstage Stage performances and Youth Productions will have a $2 increase at door sale. Please purchase your tickets in advance to miss this charge. (tickets go off sale online two hours before performance time)

Tickets purchased online include a $1 per ticket processing fee. (Per ticket fee is waived for TWO Members).

TWO Members always pay the lowest ticket prices!

We have two levels of annual membership:


  • Up to two tickets to Theatre Workshop shows at savings up to 50% off.
  • No purchase or exchange fees.
  • Early-bird sales and special event invitations.

FAMILY MEMBERSHIP includes all the benefits shown above plus:

  • Two additional discounted tickets to Theatre Workshop shows and events (total four tickets per show).

To purchase a TWO Membership, or for more information, visit our Membership Page.

Ticket exchanges may be made until 24 hours before the original performance date,by calling the TWO Box Office

If you have questions, please call the TWO Box Office. Or email 

Box Office

The TWO Box Office is open Monday - Friday, 10am - 2pm, and one hour before performances.

If you have a Corporate Member ID, Special Offer, or Discount Coupon, please input it here and click apply:
Click CONTINUE to enter payment information.