Thank you for supporting SFEMS!

Your tax-deductible contributions help us continue our mission to increase public appreciation for historically-informed performance of early music.

MEMBERSHIP NOTE: Please note that donations are tracked separately from membership. This means that donations on this page will NOT count towards membership dues. If you want to become a member or renew your membership, learn more at our membership page. We thank you for your generosity!

Note: Our ticketing service cannot process payments made with credit cards issued outside the U.S. Please use a U.S. credit card, or contact the SFEMS office at 510-528-1725 for help.

If you would like to send a check, please make payable to SFEMS and send it to: P.O. Box 10151, Berkeley, CA 94709.

Our tax identification number (EIN) is 51-0194258.

I'd like to make a gift of:

-- OR --

I'd like to make a recurring gift of:

Your credit card payment information will be securely stored to process your recurring contribution in the future.

End date for recurring donation

Please let us know what motivated you to give to SFEMS today! If you are donating to an Affiliate, please select "(7) SFEMS Affiliate" and indicate the Affiliate's name in the "Notes" below.

If you are donating in honor of or in memory of someone, you may also indicate in "Notes". Donations to Affiliates are not applied to SFEMS membership.

Please make my contribution anonymous.


Name to use for acknowledgment in our programs or other publications.