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Climate Change seems to be on everyone’s minds these days, from local coffee shops, town halls, to political forums.  Although there are still skeptics (in the minority), the overriding factors driving climate change/global warming is the amount of CO2 that is put into the atmosphere by human hands. For example, it’s estimated that 40% of CO2 comes from transportation emissions.

We’ve put a panel of scientists, politician, and other community individuals together to talk about the local and far-reaching impact of climate change. We hope you, our audience, will also be an active participant in the discussion.




Climate Change seems to be on everyone’s minds these days, from local coffee shops, town halls, to political forums.  Although there are still skeptics (in the minority), the overriding factors driving climate change/global warming is the amount of CO2 that is put into the atmosphere by human hands. For example, it’s estimated that 40% of CO2 comes from transportation emissions.

We’ve put a panel of scientists, politician, and other community individuals together to talk about the local and far-reaching impact of climate change. We hope you, our audience, will also be an active participant in the discussion.