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2019 Martha’s Vineyard Environmental Film Festival: TOMORROW'S POWER

Local activists in Gaza, Germany, and Colombia challenge fossil-fuel dependency and power structures in a struggle for social and climate justice. Tomorrow’s Power showcases three communities around the world and their responses to economic and environmental emergencies. In the war-torn, oil-rich Arauca province in Colombia, communities have been building a peace process from the bottom up. In Germany, activists are pushing the country to fully divest from fossil-fuel extraction and complete its transition to renewable energy. In Gaza, health practitioners harness solar power to battle daily life-threatening energy blackouts in hospitals. 

“Tomorrow’s Power will be the much-needed film to explain our worldwide addiction to fossil fuels and its relationship to climate change, but it will also empower and motivate: It will inspire its viewers to work hard and persist even in the face of massive obstacles, setbacks and failures,” says director Amy Miller.