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Maddie was raped in high school at a party, but no one believed her when she reported it, causing her to become a social outcast and crushing her dreams. Ten years later, as she tries to rebuild her life, she takes a job as a tutor to a wealthy family, where she meets Laurel, the family’s nanny. The two become instant and close friends... too close according to her long-time friends, Paige and James. They worry Laurel may have alternative motives and try to protect Maddie. Maddie is forced to decide between who she trusts more, Laurel or Paige and James.

Every Day focuses on the long-term effects that sexual abuse has on survivors. Sexual abuse is far too common for women, which was the original motivation for the movie. We knew too many women who were survivors for this issue to be ignored. While they all had different experiences and different reactions, there was one problem that they all shared. All of them were still dealing with it, with the trauma, with everything, every day, it never ended for any of them. They all silently suffered, continued their lives, and put up a strong front, letting only their closest friends know the truth.

There have been many outstanding and powerful works that have addressed sexual abuse and the immediate effects it has on survivors, but we hadn’t seen one that addressed this long-term effect, which is why we made this movie.