Magnificat and the Whole Noyse

June 8, 2014 - First Congregational Church


Festival Finale:  A Monteverdi Celebration

Click on your preferred date below to order tickets and select seats. (For Snapshots, select the April 30 performance.)


Concert Information

June 8, 2014 - First Congregational Church, 4:00pm

Ticket Pricing:
(red) seating this show: $48.00.  
(blue) seating this show: $42.00. 
(yellow) seating this show: $28.00. 
Students with ID: $15.00.

SFEMS members get automatic 10% discount this show: $43.20/$37.80/$25.20.  Festival mini-series of 6 or more tickets also available for purchase at 15% discount off face value of individual tickets in package.  

Not a SFEMS member yet? Join now and save!

Please contact the Box Office by phone (415-697-1957415-697-1957), mail (PO Box 10151, Berkeley CA 94709), or email to purchase tickets.

A $5.00 handling fee is charged on each order.