Stile Antico

April 10, 2016

Sacred or Profane?

Click on your preferred date below to order tickets and select seats. (For Snapshots, select the April 30 performance.)


Concert Information


Not a member yet? Join now and save!  Subscriptions, Single tickets, Mini-series tickets, and Flex-passes are available for purchase now!

Subscribers: Priority seating for all returning and new subscribers is being held on reserve at the Box Office. Please contact the Box Office by phone (510-528-1725), mail (PO Box 10151, Berkeley CA 94709), or email to purchase your reserved seats! Subscribers who prefer not to sit in reserved areas can order season subscription tickets online at any time.

Save by ordering a mini subscription for three or more concerts (10% saving for non-members, 20% for members). Get a Flex Pass for four single tickets at a discounted price, each good for any concert, any venue.

A $5 handling fee will be added to each order.