Use this form to purchase individual tickets. You can buy discounted Festival Passes that include tickets to all four concerts using this link. A Video Package is also available, either as an add-on when purchasing individual tickets, or at this link. One Video Package includes access to videos of all four Festival concerts for a single household, so most people will only need to purchase one, whether as ticket add-on or separate purchase.

If you have any questions or issues with Festival tickets, please contact us on our website:

Nothing on sale at this time. Please check back later.

Ticket Information

Festival Pass - all 4 concerts $125

Individual tickets (all but "Magic Flutes"): $30 advance/$35 door
Individual tickets to "Magic Flutes": $40 advance/$45 door

Student tickets (with valid ID): Free (no advance sales)

Video Package - all 4 concerts $75

Please contact us at with questions.

Have a code?

If you have a coupon, gift certificate, or pass code, please enter it here:

Ticketing System provided by Arts People